Monday 28 November 2016

Monday 21 November 2016

Reported Speech: Backshifting

In the end of term exam you will be tested on your ability to backshift verb tenses when converting a sentence from direct to reported speech. Follow the links below in order to practise doing this:

End of Term Exam: Reading Section Preparation

Image result for reading

In order to be as prepared as possible for the reading section of the end of term exam, you should compete the reading tasks on the following pages of the Objective Advanced Workbook:

- p.4-5
- p.18
- p.22 - 23

Friday 18 November 2016

Transcript Writing Exam: Some Common Errors

Each of the sentences below contains at least one technical error. Copy and paste the sentences into a Word document and write a correct version of each sentence underneath the incorrect version. Save the document in an appropriate area of your English folder.

1.It wasted me a lot of time trying to create a pointless product.
2.I thought on creating a more usefull type of car.
3.The head of Google is on the BBC studio.
4.Our new gps won MySpace to the prize.
5.In a (near) future, Siri will be able to give even better advices.
6.In that moment I knew I wanted to be an ingenier.
7.Everybody who worked in this project has helped to create a life-lasting security insurance.
8.Although the project is in it’s infancy, self-drived cars are the future.
9.Could you explain how is your working life?
10.We have been working in a new project and are looking for any errors that might be in it.
11.Do you think this could affect negatively some people?
12.New technology is being peole are doing  less active things like hanging out with friends or do sport.
13.If you use it more times it could be harmful.
14.One of the most efficient mobile phones company is Orange.
15.It was so interesting what you’ve said.
16.Let’s start by knowing how it functions.
17.The reveal of the product will take place next year.
18.The interest on it is huge.
19.They have a very good precision
20.The technologies are developing rapidly and we can know this by looking at the world around us.

Monday 14 November 2016

Writing Exam Preparation: Google's Self Driving Car

Click on the above link and watch the short clip about the Google Self Driving Car. You should then produce a transcript interview with an expert on this new technology about its benefits.

Friday 11 November 2016

Your Turn: Writing a Transcript Interview

Watch the three clips below and answer the corresponding questions.

Clip One: The Big Bang Theory: Siri

1.What does Raj say Howard can do to his new phone?
2.Finish the quote from Howard: ´Let me try the_____ recognition´
3.When in his apartment, why does Raj say that Siri does not need to perform the web search for ´Why don't women like me?´
4.What name does Raj end up asking Siri to call him?

1.Fill in the blanks of what Sheldon says:
You've taken a great evolutionary ____ by abandoning  human interaction and allowing yourself to bond with a __________ machine.
2. Explain what Sheldon means when he refers to Raj's relationship with his phone as ´taboo love´
3. Why is Barry Kripke having problems with Siri?
4. Finish Kripke´s insult: ´You ____, Siri.´

1.When talking about Raj dating his phone,which two  adjectives does Bernadette use to describe the relationship?
2.Which type of music does Raj ask Siri to play?
3.Finish the idiom: ´to read someone like _ ____´ - Explain what this means in your own words.

Write a transcript interview between Raj and a reporter from the radio based on the question:´What has Siri brought to your life
•You could talk about:
1. The implications of artificial intelligence for life as we know it.
    2. What Siri has added to Raj´s life on a more personal level.
•Remember to use the conventions of a transcript interview we saw in our last lesson. You should also aim to use some make, do and get collocations, as well as some 'New Technology' vocabulary from the Quizlet set.

Monday 7 November 2016

Example Interview Transcript

What can we learn about an interview transcript's format and conventions from the example below? 
  1. Copy and paste the following interview transcript into a Word document and highlight any 'oral expressions' (i.e. words and phrases that make this appear like oral communication that has been transcribed).
  2. How would you describe the level of formality used in the interview? Why do you think this is the case?
  3. What do you notice about the questions and their structure?

Sample Transcript

Interviewer: Scott Mills, Radio DJ for BBC

Interviewee: Charlie Brooker, Broadcaster and creator of the dystopian series Black Mirror

Interview Setting: Interview conducted in BBC Radio 1 studios in London. The interview was conducted at 3:30 PM on Wednesday 8th June 2016

Q: Why did you decide to create a series such as Black mirror?
Well, as an author, I think one of the main goals you want to accomplish is to make people FEEL, in such a way most TV series try to, like, reassure people, so I guess that, with Black Mirror I wanted to create something that would... unsettle people continuously. I mean, I thought creating a dystopian world such as the one in this series is the best way to entertain people and, at the same time, kind of… make them think about how far we are going with technology in our private life.

Q: I get that, but why did you decide to create a dystopia other than… I don’t know a zombies series, or some drama?
Hmmm… yeah, I guess that on TV most dramas, or zombie series and all that stuff basically focus either on human’s vain problems, relationships… or they base the action on far post-apocalyptic futures. In this way, I tried to… like… go a step back. (Long pause) Although Black Mirror approaches a near future, its goal is to reflect on today’s world, and the increasing speed at which it’s changing. I guess that’s the reason why I chose a dystopia.

Q: Do you think something of what appears in your series, regarding technology, will eventually become a reality?
(laughs) Well, if it does I hope the company that creates it gives me a little commission for the idea! (pause) No, really, being serious now. I think the changes that have been happening over the past 10 years have no precedents in the entire history of humanity, I mean, our world is constantly changing, quicker and quicker, especially regarding technology, so I think that these technologies featured in the series will eventually appear. Maybe not that soon, and maybe not in the same way, but… I STILL think technology will sadly blur the limits of our privacy.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Reported Speech Activities for Friday 4th November

Task One
Complete exercises 1 and 2 on page 72 of the Objective Advanced Student Book.

Task Two
Select one of the interviews below. Watch and listen to it carefully and then write a summary of the interview using the ADVANCED REPORTING VERBS from Page 72, Exercise 2 in the Objective Advanced Student Book. You must use all 14 of these verbs with the correct structures clearly highlighted. 

If you need to use more than one interview to complete the task, then use more than one – but please label which interview you used for each Reporting Verb. 

Any questions, please email me:

NB: These ADVANCED REPORTING VERBS will appear on your TERM 1 exam - it is important that we remember the structures needed for each! Good Luck!


1)      In this interview David Bowie talks to an MTV executive and asks him why MTV isn´t playing more black music on their tv channel 

2)      In this interview, supporters of Donald Trump appear to be a little confused.
3)      In this interview, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs talk about their success in the tech industry. 
4)      In this interview, Robert Downey Jr. walks out having been asked about his past with drugs and alcohol.
5)      In this interview, Ellen chats to Eddie Redmayne about his role as Stephen Hawking
6)      In this interview, Ben Stiller reacts to different emotional states in a funny sequence!
7)      In this interview, Lance Armstrong explains the moment he told his son the truth about cheating in order to win the Tour de France. 
8)      In this interview, several rock stars look into the impact of MTV on Heavy Metal acts
9)      In this interview, Ellen DeGeneres interviews Sofia Vergara and Reese Witherspoon about their new movie.