Friday 2 December 2016

Black Mirror: Be Right Back

Image result for black mirror be right back

After watching the following episode of Black Mirror, read synopsis below and fill in the blanks with a suitable word. (There may be more than one possibility)

This hour-long 'film' is the story of two young _____________ - Ash is permanently ____________ to his mobile phone - something most Black Mirror viewers can relate to in this age of tweeting as an accompaniment to TV watching.

When Ash is killed in a tragic traffic ___________, his girlfriend Martha  learns of a new service that examines traits from Facebook, Twitter, e-mails and other online profiles to replicate a lost loved one's ________________

Though she's reluctant to use the software at first, the revelation that she's ______________ sends Martha in a frenzy and soon she's embracing one upgrade after another.
She starts to communicate with him through instant messaging and informs him of the pregnancy. She then uploads ___________ and ___________ of Ash to the service's database, and the service duplicates Ash's voice to talk to Martha over the phone. Martha allows herself to believe that she is talking to her dead partner, and over the following weeks she talks to the artificial Ash almost constantly, keeping him ___________ regarding the pregnancy. Eventually, she upgrades to having a copy of Ash, walking and talking, at her side. But it's not really Ash - the android is hollow, without a soul - and so much of what made Ash the man he was, and the intricacies of his and Martha's life together, is lost in translation.

After an argument, Martha decides she can no longer live the life with the Ash android, taking it to the edge of a cliff and ordering it to __________ off. The android agrees to do so, but Martha becomes even __________, saying that the real Ash would not have willingly jumped. The android responds by begging for its own life, causing Martha to realise that she can't bring herself to get rid of it.

The scene cuts to several years later, and Martha is shown to have raised her __________, keeping the Ash android locked in the attic. She allows her daughter to see the android on weekends, but Martha's daughter persuades her to allow her into the attic on her ___________ to give the android a piece of cake. Martha's daughter reveals in her conversation with the android that she knows it does not need to eat, and she only did this so she could have an extra ____________ of cake. While her daughter is in the attic with the android, Martha waits at the bottom of the attic steps close to tears. Then, after regaining her composure, she climbs the ladder to join them.