Friday 28 April 2017

Feria Homework and Exam Dates

Homework tasks:

1. Complete the following reading exercises in your blue student´s books:

P15 - Ex 1

P18 - Ex 1 and 2

P64-5 - Ex 2, 3, 4, 5

We will do a 33% Criterion B IB reading exam on Friday 12th May after Feria and the above exercises will help you to prepare for this.

We also need to do a 33% Criterion C writing exam. This will done on19th May (provisionally). I will give more details on this after Feria.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Criterion A 33% Speaking Assessment: Rites of Passage Monologue

Image result for rites of passage
       You will have to write a monologue about the theme of RITES OF PASSAGE.
-          Discussion of the importance/ non-importance  of final high school examinations.
-          Why do we have such pressures on us as 17/18 year old students?
-          What adds to our anxieties?
-          How can we best cope with these problems?
-          Attack or defend?
       Your classmates, teachers and parents are your audience.
       You can bring notes with a maximum of 5 short bullet points – these will be checked.
       It will take place in front of the class.
       You will receive 2x 33% Crit A grades – 1 for ‘grammar’ 1 for ‘ideas’ (more information to follow).
       Your monologue must last for a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 4 minutes. If you fail to stick to this timing, you will lose marks. 

Monday 17 April 2017

Creating your own Brochure

Image result for travel brochure

Using  the website  below, and a number of the phrases you found whilst looking at other travel guides, create a brochure about your own home city.

Monday 3 April 2017

Writing Skills for Term Three


For more ideas on the language, style, tone of a brochure/pamphlet/ leaflet use these websites:

Visit Manchester!

London - The Capital City

      •What all of these formats have in common is that they are concerned with giving information quickly and concisely. The emphasis of one of these writing genres may be on informing (e.g a health leaflet) or on promoting (e.g. a publicity brochure).

Basic Format
Main heading (informing), or eye-catching slogan (promoting)
Use of manageable multiple sections : identified by bullet points, lines, stars, numbers in order to highlight key information
- Subheadings : used to show the steps/stages of the argument
- Succinct explanation : individual concepts / ideas are presented clearly and quickly
Background information : e.g. 'Contact us' + phone number / email

Ø'address' - you must directly address the target audience
Ø´promotional language' – usually, these text types are all encouraging, they encourage the target audience to agree with what is being presented, to 'buy theidea‘ – use STYLE and RHETORICAL DEVICES to achieve this effect 
ØClear step-by-step overall argument : individual points are linked together into a convincing sequence of ideas

Organising an event
Join use in our celebration of …
Come and join in …
(Place) will come alive with our event …
Everyone can take part/participate in …
The council in partnership with the citizens will put on an event.
You must join forces with us …
This issue is glaringly important because
How to get involvedWelljust contact us on 
Stand up for your rights with us …
How to learn more about …
We won´t back down.
Have you ever thought about ….?
Get in touch with us by …
Come along and …
Get informed .. Keep reading
Go to our website for more information

___ is a revolutionary new product on the market
____ offers a new modelway of thinking about …
Move over …., make way for ..
This products offerspromotesrepresentsfostersenhances …
______ offeres the unique opportunity to …
Not only will this product do … but it will also …

Use rhetorical devices
-List of three
-Rhetorical questions
-Lots of personal pronouns
-Some facts to strengthen argument