Monday 24 October 2016

(Homework Task for Friday 4th November) The Internet: Has it become too powerful?

Image result for internet

Google Glass - Internet Addiction

Internet Dangers : Should we censor the internet?

BBC documentary: Cyberbullying 


Web Debate - Internet Censorship

Web Debate - Internet Censorship 2

Read through as many of the above articles as you can, and aim to watch the BBC documentary. You should read each article through Lingro for easy access to the definitions of any words you are unsure of the meaning of.

You should also produce a list of interesting facts (between 4-5 per article / documentary) that you discover. 

A good understanding of the key information and arguments will benefit you greatly when preparing for your writing assessments this term.
Image result for pocket

Once you have done this, you should search for at least two interesting articles about the latest advances in technology / potential future advances in technology. Again, note down a number of interesting facts (between five and eight) from these articles. Be prepared to share your ideas with the rest of the class next Friday!

If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to email me: 

Black Mirror: The Entire History of You

Image result for black mirror

Copy and paste the following questions into a Word document and give detailed responses to each.

1.  What does Liam have implanted in his neck? What does it do?
2.  Why does Liam replay the work meeting? What is he worried about?
3.  What are the disadvantages of the memory grain?
4.  Why does one woman at the dinner party not have a grain?
5.  How do the people at the dinner party react to this woman having no grain?
6.  In what ways does the grain affect Liam and his wife's relationship?
7.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of a grain?
8.  How does the episode end? What does the end of the episode suggest about the effects of the grain?
9.  Do you think this type of technological development will happen in your life time? If so, how far into the future do you think it will be before this type of technology will be available?
10.          Imagine that the grain becomes available in your lifetime. Would you want it implanted in you? Explain in detail why, or why not.
11. What do you think the key theme / message of the story is?

Thursday 13 October 2016

Direct to reported speech: tense changes

Direct speech
Reported speech
present simple     >
past simple
present continuous     >
past continuous
present perfect simple     >
past perfect simple
present perfect continuous     >
past perfect continuous

past simple     >
past perfect simple
past continuous     >
past perfect continuous
past perfect simple    >
past perfect simple
past perfect continuous     >
past perfect continuous

Reporting verbs and their structures

Friday 7 October 2016

Planning your Speech

Aim to follow the below structure as closely as possible when planning your speech:
Introduction (30 seconds):
State briefly what your argument is about.
E.g. Today, I’m going to be arguing that
Main body (4 minutes):
Prepare 2-3 detailed, strong ideas that will support your overall argument.
One idea should naturally lead on to the next. Link your ideas using a range of connectives.
–Refer to 2-4 sources to support each of your points
•You cannot achieve a high level unless you refer to some of your own sources.
•You should refer to a variety of different source types, i.e. articles, poems, TEDTalks.
•Personal anecdotes are another effective way of supporting your point.
•Try to use a range of persuasive devices studied in previous years (ISAFORREST).
•Conclusion (30 seconds):
–As with essay writing, your conclusion should simply be a summary of your main ideas. You’re not expected to bring in new information here.

In order to ensure that your speech is as convincing as possible, you should aim to incorporate a range of persuasive devices into it:

Statistics/ Facts
Rhetorical questions
Emotive language
Second person pronouns
The rule of three

Wednesday 5 October 2016

The Speech That Made Obama Great

Watch the following Barack Obama speech from 2004 - a speech that many believe was the decisive factor in him being elected as President of the United States - and, with  your partner, discuss answers to the questions that follow.

The Speech that Made Obama

  1. It is thought that Obama's ability to find 'common ground' with his audience was one of the reasons that this speech was so effective. What do you think this means and how could you incorporate this technique into the delivery of your own speech next week?
  2. Which other of Obama's techniques are referred to?
  3. Obama is said to speak with sincerity when delivering this speech. Why might this be important in the delivery of an effective speech?

Extension Task: The following clip - from the World Championship of Public Speaking - also reveals a number of excellent ways to deliver a persuasive speech. You should make time before next week's assessment to watch the clip and take as many ideas as possible from it.

Monday 3 October 2016

Search For My Tongue, by Sujata Bhatt

Image result for search for my tongue

How Does Sujata Bhatt feel about her mother tongue? 
- Structure your response as an extended PEE (maybe three PEEs in total)
- Aim to write at least half a page of a detailed response to the poem.
Sample PEE-structured response:
P: Sujata Bhatt feels that her mother tongue is...
E: This is suggested when she says, '...'
E: The word/phrase, '...' indicates that...

P: What is also clear is that Bhatt feels that...
E: She says that, '...'
E: The use of the word/phrase, '...' evokes images of...

P: Finally, the poet suggests that...
E: This is implied when she describes, '...'
E: '...' informs the reader that...

Summative Vocabulary Test: Friday 14th October 2016

Next Friday (14th October) there will be a summative (33%) vocabulary test. This will incorporate ALL of the words and phrases from the Language Learning Quizlet set (link below), as well as ALL of the phrases from the 'Make', 'Do', 'Get' Quizlet set.

This is a great way to get a strong mark on campus early in the term, so make sure you spend as much time as you can familiarising yourself with the words and phrases in both sets.

You should also aim to incorporate a range of these phrases into your speech.

Grammar Point: 'Make', 'Do' and 'Get'

In your speech, you'll be expected to use a number of expressions from the following Quizlet list containing 'make', 'do' and 'get:

Image result for make do get grammar

Sunday 2 October 2016

Speaking Assessment

Remember - our assessment will take place on TUESDAY 11TH OCTOBER
Your address to the class should last around 5 minutes

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being bilingual/multilingual?

Deliver a speech considering the advantages and disadvantages of being multilingual/bilingual. Refer to some of the following:

  • Your personal ideas on bilingualism and multilingualism
  • Me Talk Pretty One Day
  • Multilingual Identity
  • TEDTalks
  • Search for my Tongue
  • Pocket articles collected for homework
  • Language learning vocabulary
  • Make/Do/Get 
  • Cambridge: Objective English, Page 102-103
  • Speech etiquette/techniques