Wednesday 5 October 2016

The Speech That Made Obama Great

Watch the following Barack Obama speech from 2004 - a speech that many believe was the decisive factor in him being elected as President of the United States - and, with  your partner, discuss answers to the questions that follow.

The Speech that Made Obama

  1. It is thought that Obama's ability to find 'common ground' with his audience was one of the reasons that this speech was so effective. What do you think this means and how could you incorporate this technique into the delivery of your own speech next week?
  2. Which other of Obama's techniques are referred to?
  3. Obama is said to speak with sincerity when delivering this speech. Why might this be important in the delivery of an effective speech?

Extension Task: The following clip - from the World Championship of Public Speaking - also reveals a number of excellent ways to deliver a persuasive speech. You should make time before next week's assessment to watch the clip and take as many ideas as possible from it.

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