Monday 15 May 2017

Writing a Blog

Image result for blog

  • Choose one of the two blog post topics below. Once you have chosen one, you should write a brief blog post (about 200 words) independently. Follow the blog writing checklist to ensure you are including as many typical features of a blog post as possible.
  • Once you have finished, swap your post with your partner's.
  • Aim correct any technical errors in your partner's post, as well as going through the blog writing checklist and deciding which of the typical features your partner has or hasn't included.
  • A well as this, you should highlight/underline anything that you particularly like about their post. 
  • Finally: Any which is theirs better than yours? And how is yours better than theirs? Make a note of any opinions on these questions underneath their blog post.
Option One: What is life like in Seville?
Option Two: How important is it to be rich?

Crit C 33% Writing Exam

Image result for blog writing

You will be doing a WRITING exam (Crit C 33%), in which you will have two options: EITHER a brochure OR a blog.

Features/ Characteristics of a blog
•A title, perhaps quirky, witty – like an article title
•A mixture of formal/informal language
• First person narration
•Reference to frequency of blogging – “As we saw in yesterday's post/ As you regualr readers know …”
Personal thoughts/opinions/feelings about a stimulus/topic
•Invitation for your reader’s to comment on your post
•Reference to reader/engage reader - through direct address, a lively and interesting style
•A blog is a 'public statement‘ so ideas need to be organised to show some evident + consistent purpose - use paragraphing and cohesive devices to structure your ideas appropriately
Now: Using the above examples, select, and write down, fifteen key phrases and 
structures you could use in your own blog writing.