Monday 15 May 2017

Crit C 33% Writing Exam

Image result for blog writing

You will be doing a WRITING exam (Crit C 33%), in which you will have two options: EITHER a brochure OR a blog.

Features/ Characteristics of a blog
•A title, perhaps quirky, witty – like an article title
•A mixture of formal/informal language
• First person narration
•Reference to frequency of blogging – “As we saw in yesterday's post/ As you regualr readers know …”
Personal thoughts/opinions/feelings about a stimulus/topic
•Invitation for your reader’s to comment on your post
•Reference to reader/engage reader - through direct address, a lively and interesting style
•A blog is a 'public statement‘ so ideas need to be organised to show some evident + consistent purpose - use paragraphing and cohesive devices to structure your ideas appropriately
Now: Using the above examples, select, and write down, fifteen key phrases and 
structures you could use in your own blog writing.

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