Thursday 2 February 2017

Monologues Preparation

Whether you're delivering your monologues next week (Tuesday 7th February) or the following week (Tuesday 14th February), you should make sure you are preparing responses to each of the six topics now.

Remember, each of your two monologues should be about two minutes in length and should be structured in a similar fashion to a written essay, i.e:
  • Introduction: 10-15 seconds stating the importance / relevance of the topic.
  • Main: You should split the main body of your monologue into 2-4 sections, depending on the number of bullet-pointed ideas you will be referring to (so, between 30 and 40 seconds per idea).
  • Conclusion: 15-20 seconds coming to a conclusion about the topic under discussion.

Success Criteria:
  • You will be expected to refer to 1-2 external sources (e.g. internet articles) for each idea that you talk about. You can use Pocket to store relevant and interesting articles, before going back to them and extracting 1-2 of the most important pieces of information in them.
  • Your voice should be clear and fluent (indicating your degree of preparation).
  • You should aim to include a range of the structures below, including grammatical structures such as conditionals, reported speech structures and passive voice structures.

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