Sunday 19 February 2017

Purple Hibiscus: Chapter 5 Comprehension Questions

Image result for purple hibiscus novel

  1.  After finishing second in her class in the previous term, what position did Kambili come in this term?
  2. What is the name of the Kambili and her family’s hometown?
  3. What is Papa’s title in the family’s hometown, and what does it mean?
  4. ‘Papa liked it when the villagers made an effort to _____ ________ around him. He said it showed they had ______ _______.’
  5. Find a word that Papa apparently uses to describe the people currently running Nigeria.
  6. How long were Kambili and Jaja allowed to stay at their paternal grandfather’s (or Papa-Nnukwu’s) house? Why is this?
  7. Why was Papa so fond of Jaja and Kambili’s maternal grandfather (i.e. Beatrice’s father) before he died five years earlier?
  8. How would you describe Papa Nnukwu’s character? Produce a PEE response.
  9. Why was Papa angry with Jaja and Kambili on their return from Papa-Nnukwu’s house?
  10. What language did Papa speak when he was angry with his children? Why do you think this might be?

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